About Me

Ana Murby

I grew up in Sacramento, California, and lived there for 25 years before moving to Connecticut. I started writing in my senior year of high school because I didn’t have many friends at that point in my life and found myself drawn to writing. I fell in love with creative writing instantly; it’s truly my biggest passion. 

A few years after moving to Connecticut, I went through a difficult divorce, but it shaped me into the woman I am now. I am grateful that God has redeemed me and set me free from the bondage of my past.

I didn’t write things that would give him glory when I stepped away from God. So when I came back to Christ at 30, I had a new philosophy: God gave me the gift of being able to write, so I wanted to honor him with it. Nowadays, I make sure He is in the center of it. 

My first novel, The Right Way to Say Goodbye, was published in December 2020 after five years of writing. The book was a labor of love and sacrifice. It often tested my trust and faith in God, but this writing process brought much healing. I hope it can do the same for everyone who reads it.

I recently republished my first novel with two new cover choices; that and my second novel, And Then My Life Happened, is out now.

In addition to my novels, I have a podcast, Honest Christian Conversations. It’s a weekly podcast discussing various cultural and spiritual issues within the Christian faith. If this topic interests you, check it out.